Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nate Ungrodt - Ch 1 Assignment

People:  Jesus, Mohammed, Confucious, Ghandi, Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Frederic Chopin, Einstein, George Lucas

Places:  Mt. Everest, Downtown Tokyo, Gulf Coast, Great Barrier Reef, Salt Flats, Daytona Beach, Swedish Fjords, Siberian Tundra, Amazon Jungle, Antarctic Glacier

Passions:  Web Design, Calligraphy, Video Games, Science Fiction, Drawing, Digital Painting, Photography, Christianity, Star Wars, Japanese Culture

Title:  Better At A Distance

Scene:  The Great Barrier Reef, on a Boat.  Exterior.  Day.

Confucius, wearing traditional Chinese court garb, and Vincent Van Gogh, wearing the winter hat and green overcoat from his Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, sit comfortably on the deck of a large jaght on a bright, beautiful day.  The Great Barrier Reef sits in the background.  Both men are sitting casually at a small table, sipping drinks with little umbrellas sticking out from the top of each.  Confucius' drink is green, Van Gogh's, red.

More to come...

1 comment:

Lynn Langston said...

Nice set-up but where is the script?